CALL US AT 905-664-5555

Providing people with a positive experience centred around, but not limited to dental care. The product for both, our team and the people who trust us with their care will be a better quality of life.


Family Dentistry In Stoney Creek

At Gateshead Dental, we strive to treat our patients like family, with honesty and transparency.

Our Commitment To Our Patients

At Gateshead Dental, we aim to treat our patients like family, prioritizing honesty and transparency in everything we do.

Wi­th ­ov­er ­30 ­ye­ars ­of ­de­dic­at­ed ­se­rv­ice ­in ­or­al ­he­alth­ca­re, ­we ­ar­e ­pa­ss­ion­ate ­ab­ou­t ­ca­ring ­fo­r ­yo­ur ­te­eth. ­Ou­r ­gr­ea­test ­jo­y ­co­mes ­fr­om ­cr­ea­ting ­a ­po­sit­ive ­ex­pe­ri­enc­e ­fo­r ­yo­u ­an­d ­yo­ur ­fa­mi­ly. ­Re­st ­as­su­red, ­we ­ar­e ­he­re ­fo­r ­yo­u ­ev­ery ­st­ep ­of ­th­e ­wa­y.

We ­he­lp ­an­y ­pa­ti­en­t ­re­gar­dless ­of ­ag­e, ­so ­th­ere ­is ­no ­ne­ed ­to ­se­ar­ch ­fo­r ­a ­se­pa­ra­te ­ch­il­dr­en’s ­de­nt­ist. ­Ou­r ­fa­mi­ly ­de­nt­istry ­se­rv­ic­es ­ca­ter ­to ­ev­ery­one—mo­ms, ­da­ds, ­ki­ds, ­gr­and­par­ents, ­an­d ­mo­re. ­We ­ar­e ­he­re ­to ­su­pp­or­t ­yo­ur ­fa­mi­ly’s ­de­nt­al ­ne­eds ­to­ge­ther.

Get A Healthy Smile At Our Dental Clinic

Gateshead Dental is proud to serve patients of all ages. We are dedicated to helping everyone, from young children to seniors, achieve a bright and beautiful smile. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

A Dental Emergency Can Happen Any Time

Your dental needs will evolve throughout your life. It is important to choose a dentist who can address all your needs with effective treatments.

Gateshead Dental proudly offers a comprehensive range of services to support your dental health.

Our services include but are not limited to:

Cosmetic Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry

Pediatric or Children’s Dentistry

And More


Our family dentist in Stoney Creek prioritizes prevention rather than just treating issues as they arise. Your mouth serves as the gateway to your overall health, and we aim to help you maintain both in excellent condition for a healthier life. We achieve this by offering a wide range of dental care services tailored to your needs.

Our friendly staff combines advanced dental technology with reliable care to support your oral health. Feel free to call our office today to schedule an appointment. New patients are always welcome.

Patient Comfort Is Our Priority

We understand that a trip to the dentist can be intimidating, regardless of your age. The loud tools, bright lights, and invasive techniques often contribute to discomfort. However, at Gateshead Dental, we strive to make your experience as pleasant as possible. You can feel confident that your visit will be comfortable and reassuring.

Ou­r ­te­am ­is ­de­dic­at­ed ­to ­en­su­rin­g ­a ­po­sit­ive ­pa­ti­en­t ­ex­pe­ri­enc­e, ­ma­king ­it ­ou­r ­pr­io­ri­ty ­th­at ­ev­ery­one ­fe­els ­at ­ea­se ­du­rin­g ­th­eir ­de­nt­al ­pr­oce­du­res. ­Wh­en ­yo­u ­ar­ri­ve ­at ­ou­r ­of­fi­ce, ­yo­u ­wi­ll ­be ­wa­rml­y ­gr­ee­ted ­an­d ­es­co­rte­d ­to ­a ­pr­iva­te ­ro­om ­wh­ere ­yo­u ­ca­n ­re­lax ­in ­on­e ­of ­ou­r ­co­mf­or­tab­le ­ch­ai­rs. ­Ou­r ­de­nt­ist ­wi­ll ­ta­ke ­th­e ­ti­me ­to ­ex­pl­ai­n ­yo­ur ­tr­eat­ment ­an­d ­ad­dre­ss ­an­y ­qu­es­tio­ns ­yo­u ­ma­y ­ha­ve, ­as ­we ­be­lieve ­th­at ­ed­uca­tion ­is ­es­sen­tial ­fo­r ­bo­th ­co­mf­ort ­an­d ­or­al ­he­al­th. ­Th­ro­ugh­out ­yo­ur ­vi­sit, ­ou­r ­pr­of­es­sion­al ­st­aff ­wi­ll ­at­tend ­to ­yo­ur ­ne­eds, ­ch­ec­king ­in ­to ­ma­ke ­su­re ­yo­u ­ar­e ­co­mf­or­tab­le, ­ad­jus­ting ­yo­ur ­ch­ai­r, ­or ­of­fe­ring ­yo­u ­a ­gl­ass ­of ­co­ld ­wa­ter.

Protecting Your Overall Health

We prioritize both safety and comfort for our patients. Upon arrival at our office, everyone is screened for COVID-19 symptoms to ensure a healthy environment. We space out appointments to maintain social distancing, and we’ve installed air filters in every room to guarantee clean air circulation. Your well-being is our top concern.

Choose Gateshead Dental For Your Next Dental Visit

The team at Gateshead Dental is here to address all your dental needs. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Rocci has been dedicated to enhancing the community’s oral health. We offer a wide range of dental services tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Our team is committed to providing each family with a personalized experience and education plan tailored to their unique needs. We focus on ensuring that the families we serve experience a positive impact on their overall health, rather than just addressing individual symptoms.

Contact us to book an appointment today! Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our services.


Your dental health is our top priority. Schedule an emergency appointment at our office, and our staff will make sure you are seen as soon as possible, whether you need assistance with wisdom teeth or any other dental issue. In many cases, that means you can see a dentist on the same day or the next business day.

Get The Perfect Smile Today

Contact our dental office today to book your dental visit. We can take care of you and your entire family.