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Providing people with a positive experience centred around, but not limited to dental care. The product for both, our team and the people who trust us with their care will be a better quality of life.
Technically, TMJ syndrome is called TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder). TMJ specifically refers to pain in the jaw joints. Put your fingers in front of your left and right ears — that’s where the joints are located.
It is characterized by tenderness in the jaw joint and near the ear, pain when chewing and yawning, or even a locking and clicking jaw. TMJ syndrome can seem to strike suddenly, but when it does you want relief fast.
At Gateshead Dental, we offer two ways to treat TMJ. We explain these procedures below:
In a very small number of cases (less than 5% approximately), problems arise because of a person’s bite or occlusion. Sometimes, orthodontics or braces, or just teeth growing naturally into a sub-optimal position, can be the cause.
TMJ problems tend to affect more women than men. Young and middle-aged adults receive a TMJ diagnosis more often than older adults or teenagers.
Fortunately, Gateshead Dental offers TMJ treatment to help relieve pain and symptoms.
is an oral appliance that is designed to help reduced TMD symptoms such as clenching, grinding, headaches and neck / shoulder pain. TMD, when left unaddressed, can lead to chronic pain, limited jaw movement, cracks / fractures in the teeth, improper alignment of the teeth, sensitivity, secondary issues like tinnitus or vertigo, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, depression and more.
The Metz helps to relieve TMD symptoms by creating a gap between the upper and lower back teeth which prevents the jaw muscles from engaging fully. It helps to train the jaw muscles to relax and stay in a relaxed state for longer periods of time. The Metz is worn when sleeping but can also be worn as needed throughout the day if a person is prone to clenching / grinding when awake.
When the jaw muscles start to relax and rest in a healthier position, the way the teeth bite on the mouthguard may change. This may lead to a different type of strain on the jaw muscles if left unaddressed. It is important to attend the scheduled follow-up visits so that the Dr. can reassess the way the teeth are coming together. We will balance the mouthguard by reshaping the surface that connects with your lower teeth to ensure that the muscles are not resting in an unhealthy position and that treatment is on track.
Headaches, ear pain and jaw pain, tension in the back of the neck, tension in the shoulders, pain in the eyes or face, jaw pain or tenderness, clicking/popping of the jaw, limited movement in the jaw, tooth sensitivity, ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
Dr. Rocci is a leader in TMJ treatment. He will ask you about your symptoms and examine your tooth alignment to determine the cause of your discomfort or inflammation. TMJ symptoms can be confused with something as simple as a cavity, or as complex as a head or neck problem. Once it is diagnosed, a TMJ treatment plan will be developed.
Our cutting-edge technology helps ease TMJ pain. Appliance therapy consists of using a splint to alleviate pressure. This takes away the force that causes the pain and inflammation. If teeth are misaligned it can cause clenching and tension leading to TMJ symptoms. Dr. Rocci will perform Tooth Adjustment Therapy to regain the proper balance.
Sometimes, a patient will require equilibration (balancing of the biting surface of the teeth) to alleviate strain / discomfort on certain teeth which are prone to fracture if left untreated. Balancing the teeth can also help alleviate TMD symptoms, enhance chewing efficiency and aid in restorative work to ensure a proper fit. Some patients require a combination of TMD therapies including a Metz mouthguard and equilibration for optimal, long-term success.
Take control of your dental health. Call our Stoney Creek dental office today to book your appointment with our dentist. Not an existing patient? No need to worry; we are always accepting new patients!
Century Stone Dentist
684 Main St E, Hamilton, ON L8M 1K5
Telephone: 905-545-4833
Orchard Park Dentist
6-483 Hwy 8 Stoney CreekON L8G5B9
Telephone: 905-664-7252